Q&A: VICA’s consultation and diagnosis process

Vietnamese International Clinic for Autism is known as a reputable center for early diagnosis and screening of autism spectrum disorders in the city. Ho Chi Minh. With a team of experienced professionals and modern facilities, VICA provides services from consulting, assessment to intervention for autistic children from 18 months old.

5 steps in VICA’s consultation and diagnosis process

Step 1: Initial Consultation (compulsory participation of both parents and child) to help VICA understand:

  • Child’s Clinical reports, to understand health conditions
  • Developmental process
  • Observe the child and give advice for next step
  • Parents please notice this step is not a part of diagnosis or screening test

Step 2: Clinical Evaluation Clinical Evaluation. During this step, the expert will directly interact with the child through goal-setting activities. The participation of parents is based on the age and status of your child.

Step 3: Diagnosis using the ADI-R method (This is a in-depth and detailed parent interview within 1.5 to 2 hour per session).

Step 4: Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorder, using the ADOS-2 Test Method (the gold standard in diagnosing children with autism spectrum disorder) and we can offer parents to let children take other functional tests if necessary. The involved information and testing fee will be informed to parents. ADOS-2 is the useful and structural tool for ASD testing, which stimulate children to express themselves, both strength and weakness and then, the signs of ASD. Some activities encourage children to have eye-contact constantly to evaluate the spectrum of autism.

Step 5: Discussion of results. Result will be sent to parents, with advices from experts to find the best solution for children’s development, strategic plans for individual intervention with science-based

Như vậy, khi đến với VICA, trẻ sẽ trải qua 5 bước tư vấn và chẩn đoán (trong số 4 Chẩn đoán sớm). Trong đó, phụ huynh cần có mặt trong ít nhất 3 lần.


In short, there are 5 fundamental steps in our consultation and diagnosis process. In this process, we also require the presence of parents in at least three sessions.

The importance of a 5-step process for consulting and evaluating autism spectrum disorders

The reason why the Center conduct a 5-step process like this is because developmental disorders are difficult to diagnose accurately at once, and the symptoms of these disorders often overlap and are quite similar. As a result, children need to go through a diagnostic process so that experts can understand both the baby and the parents, let the baby to get used to a new environment to fully reveal the baby’s disabilities.

The quality of VICA’s diagnosing tests

The diagnoses were all monitored directly by Ms. Simona Bossoni, one of the few experts in Ho Chi Minh City certified to use the ADI-R and ADOS-2 methods in diagnosing autistic children. The diagnostic toolkit is imported from abroad, ensuring expertise and international quality of assessments.

In particular, during the initial consultation, Ms. Simona will work directly with parents to collect information about their child and discuss the parents’ concerns and concerns about their child.

At the same time, Ms. Simona (together with another expert) will observe the child’s expressions when playing with toys and the child’s interactions with parents to be able to give clinical comments and come to a conclusion and revise what steps to take next.

Parents should also note that this initial consultation is to prepare for the diagnostic steps and is not a diagnosis.

The initial diagnosis session lasts about 60 minutes with Ms. Simona (there will be a translator if your family uses Vietnamese).